How Does My Garden Grow? Week 3

garden3My 16 square foot garden is FANTASTIC! I know, I know, I am not ready to move to a farm, but my 4 x 4 raised bed garden is a fun. And my plants are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing:  GROWING! Yesterday afternoon I added fresh cilantro to my “Dr. Oz Green Drink.” What a refreshing and delightful addition! And last night I added fresh basil to my tomato sauce.  My family all said the sauce tasted “fresh!”  I really can’t wait to be making my sauce with home-grown tomatoes.

tomatoesYou can already see a few flowers blooming  on one of my tomato plants…these flowers will turn into red, delicious tomatoes. Can’t wait. I promise to keep posting the pictures. Check out these two yellow flowers! Happy Growing!